Wednesday, April 26, 2017

MOCA Week 6

This week I am submitting a link to a movie created by an artist named Truman Brown.  The video is called Of Tempered Wings and Wheels.  This video was created using a program called Mandlebulb 3D software.  This program is available for free at  This video was entered in the 2013 film competition and was awarded 8th place.

The artist became interested in digital art way back in 1989 when he was introduced to ray-tracing by a program called DKBTrace.  He was amazed at how the program was able to render photo-realistic images as a result of typing in a script.  Since then the artist has tried his hand at several different graphical palettes including Flash animation, ray-tracing, Photoshop, fractals, and HDR photography.

Here's a screenshot from the movie . . .

1 comment:

  1. Nice find, Robert. I would like to add Mandelbub to the mix here, but it takes some hefty computing power to get it to work well and I worry that most would be frustrated with it... (for lack of the hp to do it). He has upped the virtuosity through his animated approach.
