Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Moca Benedikt Amrhein

The artist that I found interesting this week is Benedikt Amrhein. He was born in 1975 in the town of Lübeck and leaves now in Bonn Germany. Benedikt is also a compositor and a short story writer. He only discovered graphic art in the past few years but looking at his work you can see he as mastered is style.
Benedikt Amrhein uses different softwares such as Apophysis, Bryce, and Photoshop for his projects.
The image that I choose is called Ecce Mundus because for me it looks like the earth surrounded by water and at the same time I can the horizon I the background.  And if you pat attention you can even see the sunrise.



  1. Georges,

    I looked through Mr. Amrhein's gallery and I also like his artwork. I especially liked his image called "Noble Metal Worlds." It reminds me of a lithograph by M. C. Escher called "Hand with Reflecting Sphere."

    Bob Poirier.

  2. Yes like his art work that is nice
